How small your baby was
How dependant your baby was on you
How resilient yet fragile both you and your baby were
The beauty of the fourth trimester
The milk drunk faces, the warm embraces
The tears, the fears
The joy and the whole new world of emotions and experiences that come with having a newborn. 

Trust me when I say that there isn't a whole lot that you will remember in the first few days or weeks due to sleep deprivation so you absolutely, 100% will need to take a picture or a few, preferably taken by someone else (like me) :) For me, becoming a mother was one of the most rewarding but challenging and hardest but easiest thing I had ever done. I had newborn sessions with both of my boys and I'm so glad that I did. I'll never forget those experiences and I'll cherish the pictures from those sessions when I'm old, grey and wrinkly! 
close up of newbron baby feet
face of milk drunk baby
newborn baby on daddy's lap
husband kissing wife on the cheek while she holds newborn baby
husband looking adoringly at wife
heart hands around newborn baby feet

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